How To Prolong The Effects Of Teeth Whitening

It’s a wonderful moment when you enjoy the big reveal: Your whiter smile after you receive teeth whitening is a vibrant and beautiful feature to behold! Of course, as you go about the rest of your day and then week, what you want is to see that shining smile of yours looking bright as ever when you take a glance in the mirror. So, what should you be doing to ensure this happens? Or, are the results permanent? Let us answer simple yet very important questions for you, so you may keep the results of your cosmetic treatment looking as wonderful as possible.

Results Are Not “Permanent” But Can Last!

What you should remember if you want your newly white smile to look this way for a long time after teeth whitening is that this is not permanent. Yes, we permanently removed the stains that were there. However, new stains can form. So, you will need to keep your smile clean!

It’s All About Keeping Your Smile Clean

As mentioned, you need clean teeth if you want to avoid stains that lead to your teeth whitening results becoming dim again. How to do so? With the same cleansing you have always been instructed to provide: Your brushing and flossing remove staining particles, so your smile remains white.

Don’t Forget About Us

Remember that your care at home works wonders but it’s not everything. Just as it’s always important to keep dental cleanings on the books for yourself every six months, this remains the same after teeth whitening and helps keep your smile vibrant.

Watch Out For Things That Stain

When you eat and drink lots of things that can stain your teeth, you’re more likely to develop stains. So, keep this logic in mind. Avoid these types of things when you eat and drink. Or, just become very good at rinsing with water afterwards.

See Us For Teeth Whitening

Ready for a much brighter smile? See our team soon, so we may discuss teeth whitening for you! Call our Cleveland Family Dentistry office in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234. We proudly serve patients and their families from Cleveland, Kingwood, New Caney, Conroe, Livingston, Huffman, and all surrounding communities.